The dress and other things

Well for all of you new here who commented and sent good wishes on the dress, its not done. I got the bodice finished and then lost momentum because I’ve been busy with some gardening stuff. Also I am sad to say that all future photos for  a while will be taken with my cell phone because my camera has gone to that great big photographer’s studio in the sky. It got knocked off my lap at our reunion but was still taking pictures even tho I could no longer use the LCD screen I could still take pictures. That is no longer true. I am so sad because I love taking pictures and I don’t know when I will get to replace it. Ah well c’est la vie. I plan to save for a really nice one. I have a whole $18 bucks so far…. but I’ll get there some day. I plan to watch Ebay and in fact I’ll be heading over there in a minute to see whats available. I want to have a nice enough camera that I can change out my lenses and all that fancy stuff. I’m learning about photography and I find that I am not completely disappointed with my pictures so I want to pursue this.

My day today and Sunday too was taken up by getting some free flowers for my garden. I made a request on freecycle for any plants that needed dividing and had two replies from some wonderful women who have the most gorgeous gardens. I brought home wisteria (my FAVORTITE), irises, lilies, hollyhocks, rose of sharon, angel trumpet flowers, some yellow flowers that might be a type of daisy, purple coneflowers, and a couple of small seedlings for trees (redbud and bald cypress) I also have an invite from one of the ladies to come back later in the fall for some different lilies and some lilac starts. This makes me so happy because landscaping is at the bottom of our budget list way below even my poor truck and yet I love to garden and want to make the outside of our house as beautiful as the inside. I am so happy to have these beautiful plants especially since they would have gotten the weed killer if I hadn’t brought them home with me.

Now I’m going to be busy finding homes around my yard for all the pretties. I love the feel of digging my hands into fresh damp dirt. So much so that I have to be reminded to wear my gloves. Theres just something about diving in and the sense of accomplishment when you’re done and you see the blooms where before there were weeds, grass or only dirt. Plus I’ve always loved playing in the dirt.