Off we go into the wilde blue yonder

Hey all its me again. We’re headed off to Florida and I’m sitting in the terminal waiting for our plane. The free wi-fi advertised all over is not functioning on my computer so I’m using my trusty fall back plan of my cell phone. I love being able to take my internet with me and can only hope I get good signal at the hotel down there. We’re staying at some Buenavista Resort and Spa– sounds fancy huh? But the 8 of us will be in a 3 bedroom condo thingy so its gonna be a little cramped. I can’t promise anything too crafty while I’m down there but I did pack a very small sewing kit and several different scraps of fabric and if you’ve seen my babies, you know thats all I really need. They’ll be hairless and unstuffed but I can embroider them. Thats my “just in case Melissa goes crazy in Florida” emergency stash and I really plan to just kinda take a break. I will however be keeping an eye out for lots of crafty stuff to bring back with me. I made sure to leave extra room in my bag ;). I don’t have much to leave you with but I’ll take a quick pic of my current project and post it here later.

Last day in Missouri for a while

Well my husband and I will be heading down to Florida for an uncertain amount of time starting tomorrow. My brother-in-law and his wife are having their first baby and my MIL is paying for us to go down there with her and the youngers. It’ll kind of be a honeymoon for my husband and I and our anniversary is on Friday so that will be nice. I was sitting here reading a weight loss tip that I get as a newsletter every day and today’s was about turkey. I read it and I realized that altho the word “gobble” is synonymous with turkeys and eating quickly, that really makes no sense. Turkeys aren’t necessarily voracious eaters and so I wondered why the sound they make would become a word used to describe piggy eating. I could understand “grunted” altho saying someone grunted their food down would take some getting used to. I think tho that I’ll try it. Now for some on topic info. I finished the baby blanket for my sister-in-law. (the one you didn’t know about) And now I’m working on an abstract mother’s angel for her. I’ll put some pics up on this post when I finish it but as its rather last minute, I should really go for now and work on it.
Arivaderci my invisibles,